
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ai went bust... :(

Ai quasi-died today. *cries*

His LCD is loose and no longer displays anything D:

This means I need to buy a new laptop :( I wanted to wait till Windows 7 came out but TPTB hate me and are out to get me... I really really really didn't want to change right now... *aaaarrrrggghhhh*... BTW, this means I won't be online on IM clients anymore... sorry guys. *hugs her peeps* I'm there with you in spirit though... and I'll try to be on LJ a little bit...

Damnit I hope I can afford a new one. School will be a pain in the rear end if I can't!!! *grrr*

Why have all my posts been so whiny lately? *whine* *whine* *whine*


at least till I get a new/different laptop... D:

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