
Friday, August 29, 2008

College and such...

The last few days of college life have been crazy. Classes have been hectic, though rather boring and monotonous. I slept through part of one of my classes today, the reason I know this is because I had "Queen Elizabeth" written in my notes, I was in the fucking front row of class!! I think I have a CEE 360 homework partner, I've written to him on Facebook for the last two years and I officially met him a couple of months ago and actually spoke to him for real, and he seems like a really nice guy. Although, I think he might be a straight A student and realize what a dumbass I am... One of my really good friends is going out with this really nice guy, and they make the sweetest couple ever! I totally adore them... YAY for friends first, beau's second!! They are definitely on my list of things that make me happy. My roommate is pretty awesome! I definitely adore her. I think we compliment each other really well. But I sort of feel left out now, because all my friends now call her, and never call me, which is fine, but I like getting calls once in a while... But we have the coolest room ever! I totally dig our room! Our refridgerator broke, but we might be able to borrow our friend's fridge because he has an extra one.

I don't know what I'm going to do this weekend. Its the long weekend and most of my friends have gone home. But I know I will figure something out.

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