
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

So here starts another hectic winter break, away from the winter wonderland of Illinois and onward to the more tropical and exotic lands that I hail from.

Merry Christmas to all!
Happy Hanukkah!
Eid Mubarakk!
and Happy Holidays (to be more general and avoid missing out on the various festivities)...

As the new year draws closer I wonder what I will resolve myself to do this year- lose weight (at least part of all the excess baggage), study harder (not slack off reading fanfiction and watching movies), be a better person (I'm great, but there are times I could have been less... vicious), write to family more often (I do, but my mum's always complaining that I have no time for her)... all of the above (I guess I should try, right?)...

I think next year I might go visit my uncle in New York and spend a white winter with him, my aunt and my wonderful cousins because I've been dreaming of a white christmas for all my life... I really should meet and talk to them more often...

My grandparents are celebrating their 50th Anniversary for the 5th time this year this week... but their 50th Anniversary isn't till next year... I've learnt not to ask and just do as I'm told... :P

Anyhow... goodnight, all... and good luck. and have a wonderful new year.

Love & Happiness to all!


Unknown said...

You'd be happy to know that we had a very green Christmas this year :)

Musings... said...

You are too much of a darling to be involved in such juvenile complications!!!
Wonderful blog by the should tell us to read it more often! Would have cheered me up over winter!