
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hates the Heat...

Okay so I know I'm a snow-and-winter girl. My first snowfall (Decemember 2006) and every other one after proves it to me. But this is ridiculous!! I had a nose-bleed today! I mean, I used to get them alot when I was a kid... but I haven't had a serious one in YEARS I tell you! but today, it just wouldn't stop... I love the taste of blood (shut up, I know its creepy... I think so too... It must be where my love for vampires comes from) but not the blood that bleeds into the nose and then clots and feels like someone took floss to your nose... eurghh!! :(

I also bombed my Geography final but I deserved that one... who doesn't go to lecture, doesn't read the two books or any of the articles and not study for the exam till 6 hours before it is?? An Idiot! Yes, folks, I am officially a self proclaimed idiot and queen of procrastination. I deserve to fail that exam... =( but that doesn't have to mean I like it...

Okay. I'm done.

ETA: I'm sorry if I come across as harsh. Its been a long day.

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