So I'm flying out to Dubai in a few hours... YAY!! (not really)... but I don't know if LJ is going to work there, the last time I was there it was banned, and if it does, there is no sure-fire way of knowing if it will stay accessible over my entire stay there... I just hope I'll be able to watch the story on YouTube...
Anyways, I have one invite for Dreamwidth still available if anyone wants it... shoot me a message with your email address on it... If DW works you shall get it within the week, else, it'll have to wait a little while....
Also, I contemplated adding fandom friends to the mix, and while, yes, I'm still not sure if I should, I am. So if you want to add me you can do so by clicking HERE. I'm also on AIM using the same handle as this (a.k.a. Painfullystoic). If you're a friend, you also have access to my other IM servers, so feel free to add me.
I recently commented to a letter to the editor of The Times of India. The article this was a review for was entitled "Gay couples 'marry' with parents' approval, hawan and priests". Hopefully my comment & reply will be on there in a few days (if it is I will paste it here ASAP), because that man really made me angry. However it might not make it on there because it was LONG... almost as long as the article itself, and definitely implied that the man was an idiot. I'd quote what he said, but I don't think its worth repeating...
I have been waking up at 2 am CDT. It is pissing me off because now I'm so clucking tired my eyes are closing of their own accord.
G'night All!
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